Doni Belau

Fri 5 Mar 2010
Paris Lifestyle Expert, Doni Belau, owned an apartment in the 6th Arrondissement for years until just recently. A true Francophile at heart, she combs through every guidebook written about Paris, scours every blog and travel magazine and spends countless hours hunting down and experiencing the newest restaurants and shops in Paris. When she is not writing about the City of Light, she is counting the minutes until her next trip. Doni has traveled to Paris many times with various groups of women, as well as young girls and teens, and will certify that every girl—of any age—can have a fabulous time in her favorite city. Before travel overtook her life, Doni worked in the not-for-profit and political arena, raised kids and produced television commercials.
Articles by Doni
More Girls’ Guide to Paris writers