French Countryside Bliss

Mon 14 Apr 2014
Photos by Georgianna Lane
Looking ahead to late spring and early summer, I hope you’ve begun planning a trip or two to the French countryside. Yes, we sing the praises of Paris, but there is nothing quite like a visit to the quiet lanes of Normandy, Brittany or Alsace, or the Loire villages, during summer. French country gardens, whether a potager at a tiny village maison or a formal château garden, contain the glories of the warmer months.
Honfleur, a perfect seaside town in the north.
A blue door in Normandy beckons.
A perfect-in-pink Vespa.
A formal garden at a château cools visitors on a hot day.
A glorious-smelling rose tree.
A half-timbered blue house in Alsace.
Classic French wicker chairs await the terrace crowds.
Can one have too much lavender?
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Georgianna Lane is a magically talented photographer. Enjoy her blog or own one of her photos!