French Valentine's Day Gifts

Fri 13 Feb 2015
You’ve waited until the last minute to think about Valentine’s day, who among us can’t relate. Its happened to everyone at least once. But never you mind, this can be fixed!
Financier chocolates
You are hoping for roses or perhaps jewelry from him, or some thought given – a little romance is all you are asking for. But listen girls, we can help things out a bit by buying some seriously sexy French lingerie. The other day I ended up at Cadolle in Paris with some friends and we were treated to assistance by a truly knowledgable staff. Maybe its because I’m American but I’ve never been comfortable having someone help me at a lingerie store, but Cadolle is different.
Hey why not? Cadolle, Paris
These are the people who invented the brassiere and the store is still owned by the same family, Poupee Cadolle can put together a couture piece of lingerie (if you plan ahead that is). But the pieces we found at their small store were beautifully made and each more fun and sexy than the next. Bustiers, sweet French lace nightgowns and everything in between, even these crazy knickers.
Agent Provacateur
If you are not in Paris head to your favorite department store or specialty boutique and search for Fifi Cachanel, Aubade, Chantal Thomass, Huit, Simone Pérèle, La Perla, Agent Provocateur and Princess Tam Tam if you are on a budget. Your beau will be delighted!
Agent Provacateur
Plus why not a little bit of French chocolate to remind him to be very sweet to you. I am a devotee of French chocolate brands, including La Maison du Chocolate which is fairly easy to find in the US and UK.
If you are in Paris head to my favorite chocolate guy, Patrick Roger – oh la la, you both will enjoy a little of Patrick’s follies.
If you live in NYC, check out Le Financier for French pastries. They have a number of outlets and they are a partner of gg2p now which means if you have our GO-Card you can get 10% off if you flash your card! The financiers themselves are award winning, but why not pick up some beautiful French creations such as these pictured.
Heart Shaped Cooked from Financier, NY
Either way enjoy your day of love, whatever you might be planning. What a beautiful thing to do….to focus all day on our own beloved, something we should do even for a few minutes every day, n’est pas?
Links for Chocolate & Pastries:
Patrick Roger
La Maison du Chocolate
Links for Lingerie:
Chantal Thomass
Agent Provocateur
Fifi Cachanel
Cadolle Paris
Boutiques in the States
Nancy Meyer
Aubade, Huit, Simone Pérèle
La Petite Coquette
51 University Place, New York, NY, 10003