Getting a Job in France

Mon 26 Jan 2015
So – you not only want to visit Paris but you are dreaming of staying, hey join the club. Or perhaps you are already an expat living in Paris but are looking to find a better career for yourself.
I might have an answer for you. Getting a job in France is difficult, but if you are like me and you are crazy about real estate, interior design and/or getting behind the doors of other people’s houses – a job selling homes in France just might be for you. This is one of those careers that’s possible to get into in the middle of your life, perhaps after your kids are old enough or grown and out of the house. But what does it take?
Dominique from Leggette in Paris
I met recently with Dominique from Leggett Immobilier to find out what one needs to become a successful realtor here in France. His organization was started by an Englishman so perfect French is not required as most of their clients tend to be English speakers, of course some confidence with the language will help you dramatically. You do need to have legal residency, a temporary visa and status as an auto-entrepeneur. If you don’t have those things yet, don’t fret – contact a firm like Mon Ami Andy to get all of your questions answered so you can meet the legal requirements.
One of Anna’s listings in the Languedoc
In talking to some of Leggett’s star realtors around the country I discovered that they conduct trainings each month for all new agents joining the firm, which only last several days and after you’ll be off and running and on your way to becoming a French property sales agent.
This is a career that matches up well with a person who is outgoing, organized and a go-getter. The key I’m told, is to get a bunch of homes or apartments listed in your first few months. Good news, its easier to get listings than it is in the states because most homeowners list with several different agencies.
Selling houses on the sea in Brittany sounds delightful!
Leggett itself is an award winning real estate agency that attracts a bevy of English and international buyers from around the globe because unlike a lot of other agencies, Leggett can work with almost any agency or any private person who has a home for sale.
Having bought a couple of places here myself, navigating the system can be a daunting because France has no MLS (Multiple Listing Service) meaning that you might have to work with four or five agencies before you find your dream maison. Because Leggett works compatibly with most other agencies they can make the process a bit more like one stop shopping.
Trevor Leggett, founder of French Estate Agents/Leggett Immobilier
The wonderful thing about a job as a realtor is that you are constantly meeting new people who very often will become friends after buying and moving into your own community. Currently Leggett is looking to hire agents in Paris, which is a newer region for them, and they are always looking for good people to add throughout France.
When chatting with Claire Edwards head of the Perigord Noir region, Claire revealed that one of the perks of her job is the enjoyment she takes in showing her clients her much loved region. “My area is the Perigord Noir is well known for duck, truffles and walnuts. The countryside is breathtakingly beautiful with rolling hills and valleys, ancient limestone cliffs and prehistoric caves, and two rivers. It is possible to visit wonderful markets virtually any day of the week, and you will find a village fete almost every weekend. Here you really can live in stress-free environment.”
Claire also explained that to become a successful realtor, confidence is key, “one needs to have sufficient capital to live off of whilst developing a portfolio of properties and working towards the first sales. One would need to live here full time, and own decent office equipment and a reliable car.”
Just one of Leggett’s teams
I got similar info from Anna Sirinides the Languedoc Roussillon coordinator. Coordinators at Leggett act as the manager of all the sales agents in the region, helping them and assisting them along the way. Anna said; “We truly work as a team.” In describing her job as a property agent and a coordinator she exclaimed, “I love what I do, I love helping clients fall in love with the region and helping them achieve their dream!”
Once you’ve begun signing up listings, selling your first house is next. Patience is key, but with enthusiasm and some drive your first sale will come along soon enough. Anna said on average it takes about six months, and for her it was ten. But, with commissions averaging from 6,000-20,000 euros, selling several properties a year will put you in good stead and off to a great start.
If you can imagine yourself in this job, feel free to contact Sarah Edwards, who is in charge of agent recruiting for Leggett Immobilier. Or simply fill out this form.
Bon Chance!
Mon Ami Andy
Leggett Immobilier
To inquire about any Leggett listings please contact Jane Armstrong and to get VIP treatment tell her the Girls’ guide sent you!
Note: Interested in buying Real Estate in France, there’s not been a better time in years now that the euro is around 1.12 to the dollar, the lowest its been since 2003. Join our webinar on the subject on Feb. 4th. More info here.