How to be Parisian

Sat 30 Apr 2022
Caroline de Maigret
It seems that a book is written every week about Paris, about how to be more like a Parisian or on finding love in Paris. I have a publisher sending me something to read much more often than I have time to read but this weeks’ particular release written by four vrai Parisienne’s; Caroline de Maigret, Sohie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Anne Berest caught my eye because it was finally a guide written by actual Parians!
These four are good friends, quite accomplished and from what I’ve read thus far, terribly witty. Caroline is an ambassador for Chanel, a model and has her own music label. Sophie has her own film company and works as a producer around the world. Audrey is a scriptwriter and is now directing her first feature film and Anne is the author of two novels. A talented group. But what do they have to say about being or becoming a Parisian? Most of the short chapters are quite funny and other bits useful. How to be Parisian Wherever You Are makes good bathroom reading not to mention an ideal gift.
An excerpt, Virtues of the Signature Item:
The Parisienne’s signature item is that vital detail that brings her outfit together from head to toe.
a red soled stiletto pump
You don’t have to spend a decade’s worth of salary on your wardrobe, or flaunt designer brands the whole time. All you need is one signature item: the one you wear when you need to feel strong.
Hermès Birkin Bag
Not every Parisienne has a grandmother who opens her armoire and exclaims, “Take whatever you want, my dear!” Far from it. But no matter. The Parisienne is a bargain hunter, whether at the flea market or on eBay. This is where she finds the perfect item or accessory that she’ll wear for the rest of her life.
Whether its a trench coat, a pair of stilettos, or a leather purse, the item is precious. Take excellent care of it but, most importantly, wear it – with jeans, ballet flats, or a cargo jacket. Make sure to keep the rest of your outfit simple, so as to avoid looking like a Christmas tree.
maybe your signature is red lipstick
Remember: your signature item is a piece that looks amazing on you; it drapes perfectly around your shoulders, it makes your every gesture seem effortless and graceful. The fabric is flawless and the finishes are perfect – but it should never be gaudy or loud.
A signature item never gives itself away. It’s timeless. It transcends fashion. It is discreet – the letters of the alphabet (two C’s, a large D the combination of Y, S and L) belong on an ophthalmologist’s chart. For the Parisienne, luxury should never be spelled out
Coco Chanel’s signature was her ever present pearls
The signature item is a gift that a woman gives herself depending on her age, taste, and the size of her purse. It is a symbol of independence and freedom, which states, “I bought this for myself. I earned it and it makes me happy.”
The signature item is an attitude. It is the gun in your holster that makes you feel well dressed and invincible.
How to be Parisian Wherever You Are, love style and bad habits has been published by Doubleday.
What is your signature item? Have your say on Facebook.