Nightlife in Paris: A Trendy Night in the Haut Marais

Thu 19 Sep 2013
It’s virtually impossible to picture the humble beginnings of the überhip Haut Marais as one of the most undesirable neighborhoods in Paris. The product of several decades of gentrification, this former swamp has since been polished into the swank stomping ground of the city’s hauts sophistiqués. At any given time, these young, stylish professionals decorate the popular locales and boutiques that line the tortuous nest of narrow, pre-Haussmannian streets that make up the area. While inflated prices plague this posh paradise, the quartier’s trendy, though toned-down, nightlife woos bar lovers with seeming ease. The agenda below highlights a few of the chic bars and cafés in the Haut Marais that offer a tremendously trendy taste of nightlife in Paris.
Apéro at le Sancerre
87, rue des Archives, in the 3rd Arrondissement. 01 42 72 65 20.
Open daily.
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With a charming terrace that offers the loveliest view of the Square du Temple, le Sancerre is the perfect spot to soak in the last sunrays on a summer day before embarking on your trendy night of barhopping in the Haut Marais. Do indulge in a glass or two of the good wine as well as the friendly service. The food, however, seems mediocre (as a rule of thumb I don’t eat at restaurants that don’t bother to make their own fries), so I suggest that you save your appetite for the next stop where nightlife in Paris turns very yummy.
Tend to your belly at le Barav
6, rue Charles-François Dupuis, in the 3rd Arrondissement. 01 48 04 57 59.
Open Mon–Fri, noon–3 p.m.; Tues–Sat, 6 p.m.–12:30 a.m.
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Across the Square du Temple, le Barav, a miniscule bar à vins (hence the cleverly abbreviated name Barav) nests in a tangle of endearing ruelles. Fine wines and good grub run the show at this neighborhood fave. The laid-back atmosphere at this oh-so-hip establishment surprises me time and time again. Don’t hesitate to linger over a nice bottle and a hearty planche—you can take your pick among delicious meat, cheese and antipasti assortments.
Socialize at la Perle
78, rue Vieille du Temple, in the 3rd Arrondissement. 01 42 72 69 93.
Open Mon–Fri, 6:30 a.m.–2 a.m.; Sat–Sun, 8 a.m.–2 a.m.
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Now that you’ve satisfied your taste buds, let’s quench your need to socialize at la Perle. This locale draws one of the chattiest crowds far and wide in terms of nightlife in Paris. But you can check any expectations for quality wine or friendly service at the door. Then again, if the happy mix of local and foreign hipsters flooding the terrace doesn’t mind, then why should we? After all of tonight’s delicious wine and assorted goodies, you probably won’t mind either. So grab a refreshing beer or Ricard and go mingle!
Late Night at le Connétable
55, rue des Archives, in the 3rd Arrondissement. 01 42 77 41 40. Open Mon–Fri, 11:15 a.m.–3 p.m.; Mon–Sun, 7 p.m.–4 a.m.
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Complete the circuit at the area’s after-midnight hot spot, conveniently located just a stone’s throw away. As last calls resound throughout the neighborhood, le Connétable just begins to siphon in those stray, nocturnal souls who don’t want the night to end just yet. By 1:30 a.m. the rustic interior is filled to the rim with boisterous patrons enjoying their last verre or two. Feel free to make your rounds among the convivial, if not very coherent, clientele.
Related Link
Le Barav
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