Wide Brimmed Hats: Seen on the Streets of Paris

Fri 21 Feb 2014
Paris fashion has captivated the world throughout the decades, and this week we take a look at the classic beauty of the wide-brimmed hat. Just throwing on one of these simple yet chic black hats instantly makes your look fabulous.
Parisian women are notorious for keeping their look simple, rather than going over the top with accessories and color. The statement chapeau, which suffuses any ensemble with enough personality to conclude it, is the perfect example of such a look.
What’s more, these hats are practical for the cold season, adding warmth and protection, and for the summer, helping protect your skin and eyes while still looking trendy. This winter has been no exception when it comes to spotting this timeless look in all the fashionable corners of Paris—just take a look at these beauties. Keep in mind that the bigger the brim of your hat, the more dramatic your look will be.
These floppy hats accent your winter look and amplify your relaxed vibes while you peruse the streets of Paris and search for your next fashion purchase. Think floppy rather than froufrou when purchasing next season’s chapeau.
Looking for the perfect location to purchase your very own Paris fashion hat? Look no further than Mistigriff, whose name means “mystery label.” Here you will find brands marked down by 25 to 85 percent, but the catch is that the label has been removed. Test your fashion skills when searching for your wide-brimmed fashion hat—will you be able to spot the Kenzo and Dolce & Gabbana looks over those of H&M?
Insider tip: Planning a trip to Paris? Be sure to get the GO-Card, your access to our little black book of resources on how to eat, live, play and stay in Paris. You’ll also get great deals from all of our 250-plus partners.
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Krystal Kenney is an American living in Paris as a photographer and writer. Her specialty is romantic photography trips in the City of Love.