Paris Nightlife: Girls’ Guide to Getting In

Fri 23 Jan 2015
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Right up there alongside all great unsolved mysteries sits the biggest unanswered question of Paris nightlife: how does one get into an exclusive hotspot without being a lingerie model or carrying a wad of cash for bouncer bribery? Door policy is subjective so you’ll be shocked to find that your sunshiny smile and good spirit is not currency enough, but girls don’t despair! You are now only three secrets away from party paradise. Nail our Style, Sound, Shadow principles and never again be turned away into the night…
Trendy look, check. Now you are in and dancing.
Style – Wearing your best or newest garment will do nothing if pitched to the wrong audience so get researching. Scope out the clientele of your chosen hotspot beforehand and emulate the look. As a rule of thumb, the elite Paris club scene can be divided into three sub-categories: Champs Elysees is pure ‘fashion Barbie’ glamour, if you go further afield but stay in the golden triangle then you need a more ‘fashion designer’ look and if you decide to venture off the beaten path then something ‘fashion blogger’ experimental will work well. Ask yourself which one you can be for the night and make your beeline accordingly. It also helps if you and your friends look alike so don’t wear anything that clashes within your group. Turn up bright as a Benetton ad and you’re guaranteed to be sent to a lesser establishment around the corner.
photo via spin magazine
Sound – Arriving like a rowdy parade is an absolute no-no. This is not a hen night so be sure to be demure instead. Barely open your mouth and when you do, flaunt your accent and cute-but-broken French. It’ll require attitude, so walk with purpose and avoid the lost-little-tripist-who-stumbled-here-by-accident look. Be surprised when they ask you (which they will) why you’re here. Don’t be humble, don’t let your voice warble, give no explanations. Everything about sound matters – how your heels click towards the rope, how your clothes rustle as you open your clutch to show its contents, how you state the number of your party. Because these places want to boast an international clientele, your foreignness is already an advantage.
Don’t get caught behind that pesky red rope.
Shadow – Your entripage is your ticket so start your night at the hotel bar and learn to network. Ok so you’re not staying at a nice hotel? Fine, hit the bar of an expensive one on George V – they can’t turn you away girls, they’re not there for that, they’re there to serve drinks. At this point you’ve got two options. The first is to get chatting to a bunch of people that are in the partying mood. A group of men with money are in the same boat as you – they can’t get in anywhere without girls and you can’t get in anywhere without lingerie or cash – so bingo, a mutual exchange and no romance necessary. The second option is to talk to the bar staff or the hotel concierge. Ask them to recommend a local hotspot, and take their card to hand over to the doormen if necessary. You could even ask them to arrange a car for you. Hotel staff know people, they know places and they send their guests there all the time so their recommendation is just the credibility you need.
Now its time to paarty!
So there you have it girls, tell only who you must. Now it’s time for us to party and first drinks are on you!
Note: Red Vanessa is the original party girl from London who has fallen head over heels for all things Paris and can’t leave. She runs a Women’s group and has only one mantra: Liberté, Égalité, Beyoncé.