Picnics in Paris, Delivered!

Wed 19 Feb 2014
Our newest GO-Card partner Paris Picnic offers custom picnics and delivered to you in a beautiful location in Paris. Paris Picnic started as an idea between an American-expat couple living in France. Katya, Patrick and team partner with artisanal food and wine producers around France and offer free delivery to ideal picnic locations across the city. The produce is fresh, the cakes are delicious and the artisanal salads are made to order. Paris Picnic’s aim is to make your day simply chic, delicious and convenient. All picnics come with everything needed to properly enjoy a picnic, including a cotton picnic blanket which is yours to keep.
As a GO-Card member you’ll be upgraded to the champagne picnic when you order one of the other types that normally come with just wine.