Paris Restaurants: Jérémie

Wed 28 Jan 2015
33, rue Longchamp, 75016 Paris.
Metro : Iéna, Boissière.
Tel : 01 47 04 96 81.
Open Monday to Saturday from 12-2:30 p.m. and 7-10:30 p.m. Closed on Sunday.
Lunch Special : 30-40 euros with a glass of wine. A la carte: around 50 euros.
I remember him when we were kids and we found each other on the same train platform heading to summer camp. Now that time has passed and we’re older – I heard from afar that he was the head chef of Violon d’Ingres at the same time that I was living in Australia – and then more recently, I find myself sitting down at a table in his own Paris restaurant : tonight, I’m going to taste the cuisine of the Jérémie that I knew as a child.
No, this isn’t a nostalgic post – it was just to tease you with this warm tingling feeling you get when you realize an old friend who knew what he wanted, succeeded… Ah yes, and finally we’re adults now.
Here we are : Monday night under torrential pouring rain – but what makes this story wonderful is that Jérémie’s partner is also one of my girlfriends and with the week beginning to have its effect on us, we both were dying for a glass of white wine. The bottle that we usually prefer is served right here in the 16th arrondissement.
Now that us chicks were comfortably sitting with our feet under the table in a very merry bourgeois mindset, the man of the hour is working like a dog in the kitchen in hopes of tantalizing the taste buds of his lady and her friend – as you can see, we find ourselves in a very pleasurable situation.
Joking aside, the dishes served come together and accompany each other so perfectly throughout the whole meal resulting in constant «mmm»s and «ahhhh»s – with the ever so delicate gravlax de saumon (17 euros) in the heartwarming soupe de poisson (fish soup, 26 euros), continuing with the bar en croûte d’amandes (white fish coated with an almond crust, 30 euros) playing on different textures and the generously served contrefilet de boeuf and gratin de macaronis au vieux parmesan (beef filet with macaroni gratin with old parmesan for 28 euros): each dish truly entertained our palette.
Bistronomique, fresh, classic, straightforward, imaginative – given the hard work put into each execution, we can say without hesitation that Jérémie really made a name for himself in comparison to the best of the best – a cuisine confortable, when all is said and done: indulgent and consensual.
We are pleased to have a partnership with Margaux Grosman who wrote this review, she is a well-known French food blogger, TV & Youtube host, life style journalist, food consultant, copywriter and founder of This review was translated from the French by Elle Reynolds.