Something Different: Paris Wine Events

Thu 19 May 2011
We all love to eat and drink wine in the City of Light, and there’s no shortage of good places to do so, including lots of cool Paris wine bars. And if you love wine, we’ve found something fun and different to do.
Before her last trip to Paris, Girls’ Guide founder Doni Belau received an intriguing email from Miss Vicky inviting her to a wine tasting at a small wine shop in the 9th Arrondissement.
Miss Vicky grew up around wine (her father is a winemaker) and now organizes events about wine in Paris. This particular event was devoted to sampling the wines of Alsace, and since Doni and I had planned to meet up in Paris, she invited me to tag along. And I was so glad I did.
Miss Vicky, wine impresario.
We were at La Bodeguita du 9ème (17, rue Montyon), a lovely and cozy Paris wine shop with a small seating area in the back for testing and tasting. The crowd was very interested in the wines poured, and I overheard several conversations indicating that these folks were familiar with wine and liked it.
Between Doni, my husband and me, we tried almost every wine offered and were thrilled with the variety. The sparkling wines—Domaine Blanck’s crémant rosé and Domaine Rieflé’s crémant brut—were especially wonderful. The winemakers were friendly, helpful and clearly pleased to be talking about the wines they loved. We met Miss Vicky, who was a charming host, and we also chatted with her equally charming winemaker father, Gilles Monrozier, from Château des Moriers in Fleurie, Beaujolais.
Overall it was a wonderful evening. We had great wine, met the locals and found a great wine shop as well as a fun monthly event in Paris. I have only one regret: I didn’t buy one of her cool T-shirts.
Next time you are in Paris, check out one of Miss Vicky’s events. I personally guarantee a very good time.
Related links:
Miss Vicky Wine
Domaine Blanck
Domaine Rieflé
Château des Moriers
Editor’s note: The stylish Hotel Banke is located not far from where we had drinks with Miss Vicky. We absolutely adore the grand and stylish interior of this hotel owned by an art-oriented Spanish firm.
Kathryn Nilsson Reichert is a social media and corporate communications strategist who spends her days working for a Fortune 100 financial services company. In her off hours, she dreams about when she can return to Paris, sit at a café all day and write. You can follow her on Twitter @knreichert.