Wanderlust in Paris: A New Kind of Paris Nightlife

Tue 17 Jul 2012
Photo: T Magazine Blog/tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/11/the-scene-on-the-seine-wanderlust-in-paris/.
Right now throughout Paris, you will find flyers with the word “Wanderlust” littered throughout the streets and plastered on surfaces. For days, I could not figure out what this mysterious Wanderlust implied until I stumbled upon the answer while at an exhibition in the Cité de la Mode et du Design. Having an espresso in the museum café, I noticed a DJ setting up on the terrace outside, surrounded by an outdoor bar and hundreds of plastic lounge chairs. I realized this was Wanderlust, a new addition to Paris nightlife.
Conceived by the same people behind Silencio and the Social Club, two of the hottest Parisian clubs, Wanderlust Paris is a project dedicated to providing free concerts and entertainment, as well as interdisciplinary activities, throughout the summer. The festivities take place on the expansive terrace of Cité de la Mode et du Design, a spectacular location looking out onto the Seine, perfect for those warm summer nights. During the day, Wanderlust offers several different activities related to fashion, music, food and cinema. For example, events have included fashion movie marathons and hip-hop lessons for kids. On Saturdays there are activities for children and adults alike, from superhero costume crafting to sewing. And on Sunday, you can find your inner Zen with a yoga class, or find a new look with a tattoo artist or hairdressing sessions. A full list of these free and reservationless activities for the week can be found on the Wanderlust website.
Photo: GQ Magazine/gqmagazine.fr/je-sors/a-reserver/diaporama/7-terrasses-a-paris-et-ailleurs/8621.
As the sun starts to set, activities come to a halt and the party begins. Each night, a different performer takes the stage and lights up the Seine skyline. Mainly the performer is a trendy up-and-coming-DJ, but there is something new each night, so you can find the sound that suits you. While drinks are not exactly free, Wanderlust is a great Paris nightlife hangout for the 18- to 25-year-old crowd looking to hear some great music and give their wallets a much-needed rest. I stopped by recently for the Vice Paris five-year anniversary party, which featured an array of performers, including Vampire Weekend’s bass player. It was a very cool scene, flooded with chic Parisians and hipsters alike. We grooved on each of the dance floors and got some much-needed air out on the sprawling terrace, lounging around a table picnic-style. All in all, it was a fabulous night that didn’t cost more than a metro ticket and a glass of cold rosé.
Photo: T Magazine Blog/tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/11/the-scene-on-the-seine-wanderlust-in-paris/.
Wanderlust is defined as a strong desire to travel or explore. So if you think you’ve caught the wanderlust itch, wander your way over to the once socially recluse 13th Arrondissement and check out all that this summer spot has to offer. It’s open every Wednesday through Sunday until October, so you have no excuse to miss out. Besides, nothing says wanderlust like a modern art museum, downward-facing dog and a spectacular view of the Seine.
Related Link/Info
32, quai d’Austerlitz, in the 13th Arrondissement.
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